It is widely acknowledged that alcohol consumption during pregnancy can negatively impact fetal development, but what are the specific guidelines for alcohol intake while undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment?

With the summer holidays upon us, where alcohol is even more pervasive, we asked Beacon CARE Fertility’s Medical Director, Dr Ahmed Omar to answer some common questions regarding this topic.

Can I Have Alcohol During IVF Treatment?

We advise avoiding alcohol while undergoing IVF treatment, especially while taking IVF medication (injections etc.). 

The guidelines regarding alcohol and IVF are similar to those regarding alcohol in pregnancy (i.e. avoid it). 

Why Should I Avoid It During Treatment?

Alcohol is a type of drug, and just like other drugs and medications, it is not advisable to use them unless there is a specific need. 

Alcohol can cause dehydration, which is not conducive to conceiving.  It is especially important to hydrate yourself well when you are taking stimulation medication. 

Male with curly hair drinking from a glass

Should Men Avoid Alcohol Before IVF Treatment? 

From a sperm health perspective, some studies suggest that restricting the consumption of alcohol to fewer than 4 units per week is considered acceptable. 

What About Caffeine Consumption During IVF Treatment? 

From our standpoint, caffeine in moderation is acceptable during IVF Treatment. It is not necessary to give up your morning cup of coffee or tea, but don’t overdo it. 

close up of woman's hands around a coffee cup


Beacon CARE Fertility and our CARE Fertility partners have been at the forefront of groundbreaking fertility treatment, technology and innovation for almost two decades. We are proud to offer fertility solutions for even the most complicated cases.

  • Read more about our historic fertility firsts HERE.
  • Read about our exceptional Success Rates HERE.
  • Find out more about our IVF Treatment (starting from €4700) and other Treatments HERE. 

If you have concerns or questions about your fertility, our team of specialists can provide the support and guidance you need. Scheduling an appointment is simple and does not require a GP Referral letter.